Rava Idly Bites 5/5 (2)

Now time for my Kitchen Secrets…..😉😍

Idlis though it has a high nutritional value and is one of the healthiest diets in the world, it may not be a kid’s preference. Especially, today’s generation are more fascinated with junk foods, pulling them back to their roots is a big challenge for today’s moms.

Here with my leftover Rava Idly, I come up with a different, new idly recipe namely, mini Rava Idly Bites. It’ll turn out to become your kid’s favourite dish, then feeding them idly will no longer be a hassle for you.

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Take the leftover Rava Idly, cut each idly into four triangular parts.

Get the idly gun powder mixed with sugar and oil. Dip the triangular idly cuts into the gun powder mix.

Take potato wedges, I used frozen ones, shallow fry them in the oil.

Shallow fry the gunpowder coated idly in the same pan.

You can also use fresh diced potato cuts made at home, season them with spices and salt and shallow fry them. I also did with an air fryer. I fried both the idlis and potato wedges with zero oil (refer to the pic and video).

Now, take a toothpick or fruit fork, assemble the fried idly triangular cut, then fried potato wedges again a fried idly cut. In my final presentation, you can check the result of both shallow fried and air fried idlis, both looks and taste similar. Both the red forks are shallow fried.

Blue and green are air fried.

Super tasty, easy, kid’s attractive idly bites are ready to eat.

Recipe Card

Prep time: 3 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Cuisine: Indian

Category: Kitchen Secrets

Serves: 4

Author: Manimala


Leftover Rava idly – 5

Idly Gun powder – ¼ cup (mixed with oil)

Sugar -1 tsp

Spiced Potato wedges – as required

Oil – to fry

Toothpicks – for presentation


  1. Take the leftover Rava Idly, cut each idly into four triangular parts.
  2. Get the idly gun powder mixed with sugar and oil.
  3. Dip the triangular idly cuts into the gun powder mix.
  4. Take potato wedges, I used frozen ones, shallow fry them in the oil.
  5. Shallow fry the gunpowder coated idly in the same pan.
  6. You can also use fresh diced potato cuts made at home, season them with spices and salt and shallow fry them.
  7. I also cooked with an air fryer. I fried both the idlis and potato wedges with zero oil (refer to the video).
  8. Now, take a toothpick or fruit fork, assemble the fried idly triangular cut, then fried potato wedges again a fried idly cut.
  9. In my final presentation, you can check the result of both shallow fried and air fried idlis, both looks and taste similar. 
  10. Both the red forks are shallow fried, blue and green are air fried. 
  11. Super tasty, easy, kid’s attractive idly bites are ready to eat.

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