Palak / Spinach Tacos 5/5 (1)

Now time for my Kitchen Secrets. ..😉😍

Wondering what to do with your leftover Palak Puri dough or leftover rotis. Let’s experiment …🤫. I’m going to transfer this Indian palak rotis to Mexican tacos…🌮🌮

Make palak rotis if the dough is left or directly start with the recipe if rotis are left.

Click here to jump to recipe card!

For the stuffing prepare Refried beans with onion, tomato, garlic paste and required spices. Check the detailed recipe in the International category, in the accompaniment’s sub category or check the video of this recipe down..👇

Prepare the Instant salsa referring from the same accompaniment’s category of International cuisines. Check the video of palak tacos as well.

Finely slice thin juliennes of coloured capsicums, purple cabbage and cherry tomatoes. Peel off the pomegranate seeds. Keep some shredded Mozzarella cheese in a bowl. Now for assembling the tacos, keep the refried beans, instant Mexican salsa, shredded Mozzarella cheese and the mixed veggies on a table along with leftover palak rotis.

To do the filling, I have shown three ways in the video or in the step by step photos. (Follow whichever method is convenient to you). Using

1) steel glasses

2) Tacos stand

3) On a plate.

Stuff the refried beans in the roti which is folded in the form of tacos, then with instant salsa.

Then fill with coloured capsicums, tomato, shredded purple cabbage and pomegranate.

Finally, top with shredded Mozzarella cheese.

Similarly, stuff the rest of the rotis and grill them in the air fryer or microwave oven or OTG oven or on the gas top. You can avoid grilling and serve it as it is. Once the cheese melts, your Indian palak tacos are ready to be served. Drizzle some ketchup on to it, purely optional. Serve immediately once you prepare as they’ll get soggy. It tastes best if it’s served immediately after assembling.

Recipe Card

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 0 minute (excluding refried beans and Salsa)

Grilling time: 5 -10 minutes

Cuisine: International, Mexican

Category: Kitchen Secrets

Serves: 2

Author: Manimala


Leftover Palak Puri / Rotis – 4 nos

Refried beans 1 ½ cups

Instant Salsa – 1 cup

Coloured Capsicums juliennes – 1 cup

Purple Cabbage juliennes – ½ cup

Cherry tomatoes juliennes – ¼ cup

Pomegranate seeds – ¼ cup

Shredded Mozzarella cheese – 1 cup

Tomato ketchup / Chilli garlic sauce – 2 tbsps (for garnish)


  1. For the stuffing prepare Refried beans with onion, tomato, garlic paste and required spices. Check the detailed recipe in the International category, in the accompaniment’s category or check the video of Palak / Spinach tacos.
  2. Prepare the Instant salsa referring from the same accompaniment’s category of International cuisines. Check the video of palak tacos as well.
  3. Finely slice thin julienne of coloured capsicums, purple cabbage and cherry tomatoes. Peel off the pomegranate seeds.
  4. Keep some shredded Mozzarella cheese in a bowl.
  5. Now for assembling the tacos, keep the Refried beans, Instant Mexican salsa, shredded Mozzarella cheese and the mixed veggies on a table along with palak rotis from leftover palak puris
  6. To do the filling, I have shown three ways in the video or in the step by step photos. (Follow whichever method is convenient to you)
    • Using Steel glasses
    • Tacos stand
    • On a plate.
  7. Stuff the refried beans in the roti which is folded in the form of tacos, then with instant salsa.
  8. Then fill with coloured capsicums, tomato, shredded purple cabbage and pomegranate.
  9. Finally, top with shredded Mozzarella cheese.
  10. Similarly, stuff the rest of the rotis and grill them in the air fryer or microwave oven or OTG oven or on the gas top.
  11. You can avoid grilling and serve it as it is.
  12. Once the cheese melts, your Indian palak tacos are ready to serve. Drizzle some ketchup on to it, purely optional.
  13. Serve immediately once you prepare as they’ll get soggy. It tastes best if it’s served immediately after assembling.

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