🥗I posted this platter for World Food Day with Zero Waste concept🥗

🥗Celebrating World Food Day with Zero Waste concept excited me. In Southern India, we honour and venerate Banana tree for all occasions. We use the phrase, ‘Vaazhaiyadi Vaazhaiyaaga’ to bless in the weddings which literally translates to eternal succession of offspring. Banana tree produces its baby plant next to it in succession without failure. Elders bless the young couples with this phrase for the succession of their offspring similar to Banana tree🥗
🌳Hence, Banana trees are tied in the entrance during occasions to symbolize auspiciousness🌳
🌳Why am I relating Banana to Zero waste concept?
🌳Every part of the tree is consumable and valuable. Starting from stem-leaf-blossom-veggie-fruit, even its fiber from the stem adds a commercial value. Nothing goes waste when it comes to Banana tree. Don’t you agree with me now that Banana tree is apt for this zero-waste title. My reel will virtually explain and justify the reason🌳

🥘Here, I prepared minimum 2 dishes from each of its part and prepared a complete South Indian Thali from Starter-Dessert🥘
Starting with-
1)Fruit Banana/Vaazhaipazham-
a) Banana Smoothie

b) Banana Kheer

2)Raw Banana/Vaazhaikkai-
a) Fry

b) Podimas

3) Banana Blossom/Vaazhaipoo-
a) Banana Blossom Fritters

b) Banana Blossom Kofta curry

c) Banana Blossom Lentil Stew

4) Banana Stem/Vaazhaithandu-
a) Banana Stem Salad

b) Banana Stem Raita

c) Banana Stem Pulav

5) Banana Fibre/Vaazhainaar-
This is the fibre extracted from the stem, and it has multiple uses. Here, made a garland with it.

6) Banana Leaf/Vaazhai ilai-
Entire thali is served in this leaf, as it is used as a plate on all occasions in Southern India. It is also used while steaming foods as it imparts an earthy flavour to the dishes.

Let’s get inspired by this Banana tree and nature which provides each part of it with zero waste.
🌺Respect the farmers,
Respect the food, and
Respect nature🌺
🌺Follow and support @sinfullydesilicious🌺